Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Glen Campbell Doesn't Realize He's Never Going Home Again

With his “aw shucks, ma’am” charm and velvety voice, Glen Campbell was a legendary country and pop-music singer, guitarist and Hollywood hot guy. But now, friends and relatives tell me, he languishes in a “mediocre” facility outside Nashville, Tenn., for patients afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease.

He can spend only minimal time with his oldest children, say sources, who claim he is frequently alone except for the company of caregivers and TV crews recording his mental decline.

He wants to go home, they say, and doesn’t understand that the facility is his residence, probably for the rest of his life. “Everything that is done in this facility could be done at home around loved ones,” a relative tells me. “It just breaks my heart.”

“Your time on this Earth is very limited,” adds Travis Campbell, 49, Glen Campbell’s son from his second marriage. “He has provided for the whole family. We want to provide for him.’’

The Campbell family feud reached a climax in January, when Travis Campbell and Glen Campbell’s daughter from his first marriage, Debby Campbell-Cloyd — who at age 58 is two years older than her 56-year-old stepmom — filed a petition seeking to wrest control from Kim Campbell of their dad’s medical and financial decisions.

In the petition, the half-siblings accused Kim Campbell of visiting their father rarely and keeping him “secluded from the family,” whose older members were “prohibited from participating in his care and/or treatment,’’ the Associated Press reported. They said Kim Campbell did not provide him with basic toiletries and clothing.

“He didn’t even have a toothbrush!” a close friend says.

Full Article and Source:
Glen Campbell Doesn't Realize He's Never Going Home Again

See Also:
Glen Campbell 'doesn't realize he's never going home' as the country legend's family continues to fight over his Alzheimer's care


  1. I hate it for him. He can afford to be taken care of at home, where he's comfortable and familiar.

  2. He needs his kids now more than ever - ALL of his kids!

  3. It breaks my heart too.

  4. I know the importance of familiarity with older folks even more so for those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimers.

    Glen Campbell certainly has the funds to be cared for properly in his own home. Glen's children must have their rights recognized before it's too late. The only reason for prohibiting contact is to retaliate and punish the children who have child father bond those memories are there they need to be refreshed and unlocked before it's too late for Glen.

    I have years of personal knowledge making decisions for my parents as Power of Attorney they were cared for in Assisted Living dad was confined to a wheelchair due to damage from CVA strokes. Mom lived with Dad her choice we could not separate them without causing both of them untold suffering.

    I can rest in peace because my parents left this earth without restrictions on who could call them, visit with them in their private suite.

    During my parents time at the facility I witnessed the interaction of the residents on the 3rd floor, memory care. Residents were in need of specialized supervision and care. I watched the residents during social gatherings with their family and relatives, their children, their grandchildren, pets and friends.

    Glen Campbell and all the others who are being deprived of contact with their children and others who had relationships in their lives are victims of abusive decision makers. Power of Attorney or Guardians or Conservators need to be held accountable with harsh consequences for their actions and inactions.

    Glen is not being protected from harm or exploitation by his children. Glen's current spouse is misusing her decision maker powers, breach of fiduciary duty.

    To Kim Campbell I say: KNOCK IT OFF! The truth will be exposed, you will be exposed.

  5. If Kim Campbell loved her husband, she would arrange for the older kids to visit him. She doesn't have to be there. She should do it for him.

  6. Sickening and I agree with everyone here, this is a sign she loves herself, not Glen.

  7. I saw the documentary on CNN. I too thought it was heartbreaking. To see a loved one deteriorate I'm sure is very hard. I think his Kim, from what I seen in the documentary loves her husband very much. She was with him for 32 years. You don't stay with someone that long if you don't love them. I think she found taking care of a man, the size and weight of her husband to be more they she could handle. I think she truly believes this care facility can do more for him than she can. I don't know the story behind why she wouldn't want or allow his older children time with their father unless she had a good reason. There is probably more to this story than any of us know. From what I saw on CNN she doesn't seem to be a vindictive woman. She seemed to me to be a loving and caring wife and mother. I hope the truth will come out in the end. Someone had to make the de idioms that Glenn Campbell obviously can no longer make for himself. He trusted his wife of 32 years to make those decisions for him. That was his choice.
