Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Families Caught up in Guardianship Losing Their Homes

Some of the people who need help the most are being robbed of their money and freedom.

Contact 13's investigation of Nevada's guardianship system has revealed double-billing, bank accounts drained and families torn apart.

Now, Darcy Spears has learned some have lost even more.

"Everything in this house is a memory," said Phyllis Moskowitz-Crowe as she looked wistfully around her modest home.

Phyllis has traveled the world, but for the past year and a half she wasn't allowed to step through her own front door.

"All of a sudden my whole life just blew up. And to this day I don't know why."

Spring of 2014 was what Phyllis calls "the beginning of the worst experience of my life."

The then 76-year-old was recovering in the hospital after a fall when the court granted private, for-profit guardian April Parks absolute power and control over her life and estate.

The sign Phyllis put on her door says 'Let Freedom Ring' but the sign April Parks put in the window means quite the opposite.

In fact, when Parks took over Phyllis' home, at some point she stopped paying the HOA dues so Phyllis says she nearly lost the house and everything in it.

"I'm alone. I was independently wealthy. I have no bills. Except I have a small reverse mortgage on my house. That was it! Perfect target!"

The homeowners' association foreclosed on Phyllis' home because the dues weren't being paid.

Full Article and Source:< br/>
Contact 13 Investigates Families Caught up in Guardianships Losing Their Homes


  1. I am so glad to see a reporter take on this subject - finally! Thank you Darcy Spears!

  2. If only someone was keeping track! My appreciation to Darcy Spears too.

  3. I am so sorry Phyllis and Elizabeth. Thank you both for speaking up and drawing attention to this aspect of guardianship abuse we don't hear about.
