Friday, September 18, 2015

"Into the Light" - a New Film Being Made About Elder Abuse

While documenting a conference on elder abuse in 2014, Cameron Wheeless, became aware of a particularly tragic and disturbing case and was compelled to reach out to fellow filmmakers and friends to assemble a filmmaking team to tell this story.

Learn more and/or donate to the project: Into the Light


  1. According to the project's website ("

    "If we reach our goal of $6,000, 50% of the additional funds we raise will go to one of the following advocacy groups: The New Orleans Council on Aging, The National Center On Elder Abuse, The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, University of California - Irvine Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect, Weill Cornell Medical College - Project on Elder Abuse and Neglect, or The Alzheimer's Foundation of America"

    What are these groups doing to prevent the kinds of abuses which individuals like ourselves have complained. I have approached at least three of these groups and concluded that their priorities do not include any of our priorities.

  2. I hope this film gets made. The more info out there, the better.
