Monday, November 23, 2015

FOX 29 Investigates: NJ Nursing Home Abuse Allegations

- Startling allegations of abuse inside a New Jersey nursing home have family members up in arms.

FOX 29 Investigates has the pictures and talks to loved ones. Our Jeff Cole investigates these serious claims of neglect and a cover-up.

Nikki Thompson says the time she spends with her 9 year old are moments of pure joy. But the reason she's home is not.

Thompson, a licensed practical nurse, says she's been fired, forced out of her job helping the frail elderly.

"Did you like the work?" Cole asked.

"I loved it," Thompson said. Asked why, she said, "It meant a lot to me to be a part of their lives."

Thompson worked at the Voorhees Center nursing home in South Jersey. She was a charge nurse on the day shift of a long-term care unit.

She says the charge nurse makes sure things run smoothly.

Thompson claims her eight-year career at Voorhees unraveled, and she got an anonymous threat that read "snitches get stitches" when she blew the whistle on what she says are the serious problems which led to an image. It’s a picture of an elderly woman with dementia tied to her wheelchair.

Full Article & Source:
FOX 29 Investigates: NJ Nursing Home Abuse Allegations


  1. Thank you Fox. It's so upsetting but important for people to see.

  2. Unfortunately, some of the personnel in facilities get in cliques and treat the people who are doing a good job as if that person is a turn-coat. And the patient suffers.
