Friday, March 25, 2016

Shocking Nursing Home Abuse and Death of Wrestling Legend Leads for Calls for Nursing Home Oversight

The first shock was when the family of wrestling legend Chief White Owl experienced his untimely death from shocking abuse after only a temporary stay turned into a nightmare at a Florida nursing home. “He was only supposed to go in for 120 days for evaluation on the meds he was on for senile dementia and return home,” says his wife Patricia, “and never did.”

The Chief was diagnosed with malnutrition, dehydration, overmedication, had lost 32 pounds in 8 weeks, had Decubitus Ulcers on both feet to the point that the hospital recommended amputation of both feet. bed sores Stage 4, had lost upper and lower parcel plates, and both rotary caps in both shoulders were turned where he had been dropped.

The second shock was when 50% of the $1.1 million punitive damages awarded by the Jury was mandated to go back to the state’s own Health Care Administration Agency – which neither the jury nor family were informed of at any point before, during or after the trial.

Now, the family of Chief White Owl aka George Dahmer are leveraging his name recognition with their own outrage at a list of egregious mistreatments and abuse in petitioning the state to strengthen its oversight of senior nursing homes, and increase transparency.

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The petitions – - and here – - petition the Florida House Of Representatives, as follows:

We the people of the United States Of America demand stiffer laws and harsher penalties on all nursing homes. The elderly and disabled need maximum protection to keep them healthy and Safe. Let's make this a better world to live in for everyone. The Dahmer family is striving for:

• 1. Require nursing homes to have background checks done before commencement of all employees, and then every third year on all employees. Prohibit convicted felons. (The director of nursing at Lake Worth Manor was a convicted felon. Armed robbery, theft, assault, and drug charges.)

• 2. Make sure every nursing home is fully staffed at all times. (Lake Worth Manor was EXTREMELY UNDERSTAFFED.) The nursing facility will be fined $10,000 per occurrence for not being fully staffed. (Being understaffed means the quality of care suffers.)

• 3. Health inspections done every 3 months instead of every 15 months.

• 4. Make sure there is a doctor on site 7 days a week. If not, then there needs to be ready access to an after hours doctor for residents. (There was no doctor assigned at Lake Worth Manor.)

• 5. Make sure there is a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per resident coverage living in nursing facility for negligence or death and $10,000,000 global coverage. (Lake Worth Manor covered $10,000 per resident coverage.)

• 6. Surveillance camera's put in residents rooms upon request (school's, nursery's, etc have them, so why not nursing homes?)

• 7. Nursing homes must have a 4 or 5 star rating or fined $10,000 per occurrence when below 4 stars.

• 8. ALL the above Nursing Home requirements and regulations shall not be State funded. The owner, owners, Or corporations shall be fully responsible to make sure every Nursing Home Facility has maximum protection and maximum safety on each resident staying or living in Nursing Home Facility. Make sure that all residents rights are GRANTED!! Each resident should get the best care there Is. Treat each resident with dignity and respect. The way it should be.

We need to Make Sure That ALL the Residents Rights are GRANTED!! Each Resident Should Get The Best Care There Is. They ALL NEED TO Treat Each Resident With Dignity and Respect. That's the Way It Should Be.


The video feature was by Sheila MacVicar, with Joie Chen,
for America Tonight by Al Jazeera TV

Shocking Nursing Home Abuse and Death of Wrestling Legend Leads for Calls for Nursing Home Oversight


  1. Not only was Chief White Owl abused to his death, but now his family is abused by the system.

  2. I listen to T.S.Radio every week and I have heard Debbie tell this awful story. It's ridiculous and wrong and I hope she can fix it.
