Friday, March 24, 2017

Chester County Orphans’ Court seeks guardian program volunteers

WEST CHESTER >> The Chester County Orphans’ Court is seeking volunteers to serve as its “eyes and ears” by visiting individuals who require guardianship.

The visits by volunteers assist the court in maintaining contact with any person deemed by the court to be incapacitated. The amount of volunteer time required is flexible, and training for the guardian program includes topics such as individual’s rights, Alzheimer’s disease, and information on public agencies that provide the guardianship services.

“The court appoints a guardian for an individual who is determined to be ‘incapacitated’ within the meaning of the law,” said Orphans Court Judge Katherine Platt. “The standard for that determination is whether the individual’s ability to receive and evaluate information and communicate decisions is impaired to such a significant extent that he or she is unable to manage his or her financial resources, or meet essential requirements for physical health and safety.”

Anyone interested in becoming part of the Orphans’ Court guardian program is invited to take part in a free training session that will be held on Thursday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Chester County Justice Center, 201 W. Market Street, West Chester. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

For more information about the program or to request an application for the upcoming training, please contact Diane Mulhearn at 610-344-5212 or email

Full Article & Source:
Chester County Orphans’ Court seeks guardian program volunteers


  1. Volunteers are the answer. They're unbiased and they have enough empathy to put themselves in the family dynamics.

    1. This is a farce in Chester County the volunteer has no legal standing or authority to help the person they just are guardianizing too many people to keep up with the volume of elders they are abducting. My mom had fourteen advanced directives working four years with her attorney and judge Platt clairvoyantly backdated her incapacitated SIX years so as to liquidate her estate. Anytime I tried to talk to the woman in charge of this program she said she does not have to speak to me.
