Monday, May 1, 2017

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: Mary and Coz Whitten ~ Sisters Fought to Protect Beloved Uncle from Guardianship Abuse

This episode of Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki will feature two sisters, Mary and Coz Whitten,who will share their experiences of dealing with guardianship abuse in Montgomery County, PA.

Coz was appointed a co-guardian for her beloved uncle Harvey Whitten after he was diagnosed with dementia. Coz shared a close relationship with her uncle, and in the words of her sister, “showered him with love and attention”. A judge and a banker worked together to remove Coz as co-guardian and then assumed control of every aspect of Hervey’s life, and plundered his estate.

After being placed under the guardianship of the court, Harvey suffered physical, emotional and financial abuse. Harvey was over medicated to the point that according to a doctor “he was given enough medication to kill a horse”.

Unfortunately, thousands of people across the United States are nameless victims to this type of tyranny that appears to be state approved, state implemented, and state enforced. Join us as we expose the shameful racket of elder abuse and the devastating effects on Harvey, and his family.

LISTEN to the archive of the show

See Also:
National Association To Stop Guardian Abuse: Victim Profile Harvey Whitten

Catherine Falk Organization

Guardianship Abuse Spreads to Pennsylvania Part 2 by Michael Volpe

Note:  Both Mary and Coz Whitten are NASGA Legislative Liaisons


  1. Coz and Mary were their uncle's angels.

  2. I am so happy to hear the Whitten sisters telling their story. They fought tirelessly for their beloved uncle.

  3. What Harvey wanted just didn't matter. This is so wrong.
