Thursday, June 29, 2017

Many elderly are ashamed to speak of abuse

Abuse is a word that most people do not like to talk about. Abuse happens all over the world, which is scary in itself. It has been reported that thousands of adult Oklahomans suffer Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation by family members and other caregivers each year. Many of the victims are elderly, and possibly frail and vulnerable. They are unable to help themselves and depend on others to meet their basic needs.

Many older people are too ashamed to speak of abuse of any kind. This is why most abuse occurs without being reported. The abuse may occur in their own home, in relatives’ homes, and even in a long term care facility that is responsible for their care.

Abuse does not happen in every long term care facility. Many long term care facilities provide quality care, but even one allegation of abuse is one too many. Visiting our elderly in the long term care facilities is very important. By visiting we can be the eyes and ears that they need to help stop abuse.

Become an Ombudsman Volunteer, you can help make sure that the elderly in the long term care facilities are being treated with respect and dignity they deserve. To learn more about Elderly Abuse, the Ombudsman Program or to become an Ombudsman Volunteer, contact Tiffany Wingfield or Rebekah Williams at SODA Area Agency on Aging at 580-920-1388 or Senior Info. Line 1-800-211-2116 or write to them at P.O. Box 709 Durant, OK. 74702. Ombudsman Supervisors are available to speak to your group or organization upon request. Flexible training schedules are available.

Full Article & Source:
Many elderly are ashamed to speak of abuse

1 comment:

  1. Elders tend to think if they admit they've been scammed, people will consider them dumb. Not true.
