Thursday, June 29, 2017

Terri Schiavo’s Brother on Protecting the Medically Vulnerable

Published on Jun 23, 2017
With the rise of assisted suicide, the spotlight is on the need to protect the medically vulnerable. Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schiavo, joins us as we look back on her life and discuss how we can care for our loved ones.

 Terri Schiavo’s Brother on Protecting the Medically Vulnerable


  1. Bobby Schindler is a walking, breathing inspiration. He turned the most tragic of tragedies into something to help people. Terri would be proud of her brother.

  2. He is all of that indeed, Marion!

  3. I had the pleasure and I am so honored to meet Bobby and his mother on several occasions. I have never met anyone who truly are as genuine as they come. They are the most caring, compassionate, loving inspiration and if that is what heaven and God is like, Bobby comes pretty darn close with his mom holding your hand. I love them both.

  4. Bobby Schindler is a true hero. Society still looks at sports figures as heroes, but they aren't. True heroes are people like Bobby Schindler who give their life to helping others.
