Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Watch This Son's Harrowing Account of Caring for a Mom With Sudden Dementia | NBC News

Source: Watch This Son's Harrowing Account of Caring for a Mom With Sudden Dementia | NBC News


  1. These videos are almost too hard to watch. I appreciate you posting them, NASGA, but they really take the sap out of me.

  2. Mr. Daley might want to check out the new studies at LA that show diet (low carb), yoga and supplements are very efficient at reversing dementia. Vits B, Lyposomal or Lypospheric C, D3 (get her tested) probiotics and sulfur are a great start. Stay away from prescription meds or study them closely on the internet for the dangers they may pose to your loved ones. I do have some good articles on this at my blog www.marygsykes.com which is a blog about probate court corruption.
    peace and blessings.
    good article, thanks so much, keep up the good work

  3. You must be at the very beginning of your loved one's dementia. Love every day you have! What I wouldn't give to ahve a day like the days in this videa again, now that I know more. I know it is hard, but every little thing we can learn helps our loved one. I am amazed at how little the doctors tell us. There is lots of life and love with dementia, and learning more and more really helps you to accept the treasured time you have, and do more to make it happy for your loved one. My Mom can no longer use her hands, rarely say words I can understand, but the love and the person are still here. I wish I knew 10 years ago what I know now. I would have done things better. Even though it hurts, and is hard to face head on, each little thing you learn will help you along this journey!
