Friday, March 23, 2018

Chester County Orphans Court seeks guardian program volunteers

The Chester County Orphans’ Court is seeking volunteers to serve county individuals who require guardianship — assisting the court in maintaining contact with any person deemed by the court who cannot make decisions about their daily lives, where they live, or medical or financial matters.

The amount of volunteer time for visits to individuals who need guardianship is flexible, and training for the guardian program includes topics such as the guardianship process, individual’s rights, Alzheimer’s disease and information on public agencies that provide the guardianship services.

“Our trained volunteers are the eyes and ears of the court and help us to be alert to and deal with issues of fiscal safety for those whom we declare incapacitated,” explained the Honorable Katherine B. L. Platt, administrative Judge with the Chester County Orphans’ Court.

Anyone interested in becoming part of the Orphans’ Court guardian program is invited to take part in a free training session that will be held on Thursday, April 12, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Chester County Justice Center, 201 W. Market Street, West Chester. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

For more information about the program or to request an application for the upcoming training, contact Diane Mulhearn at 610-344-5212 or email

Full Article & Source:
Chester County Orphans Court seeks guardian program volunteers


  1. This is good. The volunteers can speak to the actual wards and give real feedback to the judge.

  2. I hope they accept families of persons currently in guardianship as volunteers. Does anyone know if they do?
