Monday, March 19, 2018

Tonight on Marti Oakley's T. S. Radio: Abolishing Probate: Minnesota, a Dangerous Place to Grow Old

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

Note: If you or a loved one was a victim of one of these uninvestigated claims of abuse here in Minnesota, please contact us at
The recent revelations regarding the uninvestigated claims of nursing home abuses numbering more than 21,000 in 2016 alone, has resulted in the resignation of the head of Minnesota Commissioner of Health, Dr. Ed Ehlinger, effective immediately back on December 12, 2017. The number of investigations was reduced even further when the facility’s were allowed to “self-report” resulting in only 1% of those allegations prompting an on-site inspection.

No mention was made, however, of how many of these abused residents were under involuntary guardianships to facilitate the theft of their estates, or who might have died as a result of medical kidnap and Hospice “hastening the end of life” practices. Since these residents are immediately isolated from family, friends and others as a result of predatory guardianships, we have no way of knowing how many might have died as a result of these particular kinds of activities.

These “revelations” were greeted with the usual “shock and awe” behavior by various members of the Minnesota legislature. Gee…What a surprise! Who knew! Well many of us out here did and had tried repeatedly to get the attention of our politicians, only to be greeted with the usual “zipping” (you are not in our district) so I can’t discuss this with you, and the stock answers….”I never heard of this before! It must be an isolated incidence” “I’ll get right on this! This is very concerning…I’ll get right on this”. Of course they never did anything until the Star Tribune published a scathing article detailing the dismal state of affairs in Minnesota nursing homes.

A Special Report by Star Tribune
“Each year, hundreds of Minnesotans are beaten, sexually assaulted or robbed in senior care homes. Their cases are seldom investigated, leaving families in the dark.”

Now all kinds of new legislation is supposedly coming out to combat the abuse of seniors. We’ll be watching that closely! Of most concern is the newly created Palliative Care Advisory Committee (stealth euthanasia via terminal sedation). I can hardly wait to see what the plan is there.

LISTEN to the show live or listen to the archive later

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