Tuesday, April 24, 2018

2 indicted on elder abuse

FLORENCE — Two Lauderdale County residents have been indicted on separate incidents of elder abuse.

Sgt. Matt Horton of the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office said Mary Faust, 64, 464 Lauderdale 144, Killen, and Roy G. Pigg Jr., 54, 120 Dale Ave., Killen, were indicted.

Pigg is charged with second-degree elder abuse and financial exploitation of the elderly, while Faust is charged with third-degree elder abuse.

Horton said Pigg is accused of "intentionally" abusing a 62-year-old man and taking his checks while the man was in the hospital.

Pigg is scheduled to be arraigned April 30 by Lauderdale County Circuit Judge Will Powell.

Horton said Faust is accused of leaving a 71-year-old man she was sitting with inside a hot car without any water.

She has pleaded not guilty, and has been placed on Lauderdale Circuit Judge Ben Grave’s August criminal court docket.

Full Article & Source:
2 indicted on elder abuse


  1. Glad to see elder abuse being prosecuted more.

  2. roy pigg has always been a no good individual..I hope he goes to jail where he belongs..what was the result of him being charged with elderly abuse..?

  3. roy pigg has always been no good..he needs to be in jail..what was the result of his arrest for elderly abuse..?

  4. yes...roy pigg is a no good thug and needs to be in jail...and I too would like to know what the results were from his prosecution of elderly abuse..
