Saturday, April 7, 2018

Former nursing home worker sentenced for sex with resident

FORT EDWARD — A former nursing assistant who pleaded guilty to having sexual contact with a resident of the nursing home where he worked has been sentenced to 10 years on probation.

Richard Gonzalez-Medina, 25, pleaded guilty in Washington County Court in February to a felony count of third-degree criminal sexual act as part of a plea deal.

He was charged in connection with an incident last June at the Washington Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Argyle, where he worked.

His lawyer, Cheryl Coleman, said Gonzalez-Medina regretted the incident and that her client "mistook the victim’s silence for acquiescence."

The victim, who was in the home for rehabilitation, told police that Gonzalez-Medina had been fondling him during baths before attempting oral sex.

Gonzalez-Medina will have to register as a sex offender and faces up to 4 years in state prison if he violates probation. The state has stripped his CNA license, finding that he was guilty of "resident abuse."

Full Article & Source: 
Former nursing home worker sentenced for sex with resident

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even read the article. The title was enough to turn my stomach.
