Monday, April 30, 2018

Tonight on Marti Oakley's T. S. Radio: Abolishing Probate Massachusetts SB1177 - Legalizing the Perfect Crime

5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST … 8:00 pm EST

Our guests are Pam Julian and Lisa Belanger.

At issue is Massachusetts bill S 1177....a bill intended to legalize the trafficking of elderly and others who have estates and assets that can be captured under the guise of doing what is best for supposedly incapacitated adults. This bill is nothing more than a public/private partnership which will make all costs public, and all profits private. And where will those profits come from?? From the estates of those targeted in this human trafficking scheme. And to top it provides immunity to everyone involved in the trafficking...even for ordinary negligence. No explanation is forthcoming on what exactly entails "ordinary negligence".

Please note that again we see the word "incapacity" substituted for "incompetence". This relieves the predators from having to pay a psychiatrist to perjure themselves in court...if they ever are even asked to appear. This bill is nothing more than an attempt to legalize the trafficking of the elderly and disabled and make it appear that those involved are actually concerned with their well being. The only thing these predators are concerned with is how fast they can transfer the assets of the victim into their personal accounts.

It starts with this:


(ii) the identification, prevention and, remedying of guardianship and conservatorship abuses;

(iii) when and how it is appropriate for guardians and conservators to collect fees;

(iv) a review of the most recent Uniform Law Commission’s Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act,

Note: They would recommend or adopt SOME of Uniform Law Commission’s Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act? so they get to pick and choose what will benefit the predators?

LISTEN to the show live or listen to the archive later

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