Monday, May 28, 2018

The Unforgivable Truth

Today we pause to give tribute and deep thanks to our Veterans who have answered our country’s call. Many gave their lives or limbs in doing so. We honor them and their spouses and families who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. We call the Veterans and families of WWII “the greatest generation” and they certainly were for their time. While our Veterans bravely faced the enemy and the horrors of war, their spouses kept our country and their families going despite constant hardship and worry.
Today, the greatest generation is under fire again and this time the enemy is elder abuse and guardianship abuse.
Veterans are given constant tribute and honor in this documentary, “The Unforgivable Truth – How We Have Turned America’s Greatest Generation into America’s Abused Generation.” Please watch and share this video.

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  1. We treat our Veterans like heroes when they're out fighting and risking their lives. But when they get old, we treat them as we treat every old person, as if they're in the way or they're invisible.
