Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Elder Abuse Reform Now Project

We hope our readers will also "like" The Elder Abuse Reform Now Project's (EARN) Facebook page! EARN is brand new but has hit the ground running --- with a documentary, an online news magazine, and a website which tracks elder abuse legislation state-by-state!

A Message from The EARN Project:

"This Elder Abuse Reform Now Project page is brand new and we are so delighted and grateful to each of you for coming in and joining us in this effort to end elder abuse.

So many seniors are suffering and we have the ability to end it. I hope you will watch our documentary, go to our website www.theearnproject.org to educate yourself so you may protect yourself, those you love, and add your voice to insist on protection for all Americans.

Each one of you makes our voice that much louder and for that we are profoundly grateful."

JOIN The EARN Project
Watch "The Unforgivable Truth"
READ "The Silver Standard News"

Join NASGA's Facebook page
Learn more at NASGA's website


  1. The documentary is very good. I will join this organization.

  2. I just finished watching it and it's very well done!
