Tuesday, July 24, 2018

'We were shocked:' I-Team investigates how doctors can take parents to court over guardianship

This may be the most painful symptom of mental illness and its impact on North Carolina families.

According to North Carolina law, health care professionals can petition a court to revoke guardianship from a patient's parents or legal guardian, and instead assign a public guardian to manage the patients' medical care.

'Our thoughts were, no way'

David Bankert and Joanne Luterman are two such parents who approached the I-Team about their experience losing guardianship for their son, Ian.

"We were shocked and blown away," Luterman told ABC11. "We want Ian to have some joy, to come home, lead a life with his family and have some sense of normalcy.

Ian, 24, suffers from schizophrenia, and his parents say they first noticed signs of mental illness in high school. Though he did graduate, Ian spent the next several years going in and out of the hospital instead of going to college. Despite doctors' recommendations for more medication and long-term care, Bankert and Luterman instead insisted that a good diet, exercise and faith could restore Ian's sense of self.  (Click to Continue)

Full Article & Source:
'We were shocked:' I-Team investigates how doctors can take parents to court over guardianship


  1. It's been happening for years. If you disagree with a doctor, you risk losing your loved one to the system.

  2. My son guardian nominated a conservator for my son after being allowed to use more than one social security number for my son. . Was allowed to take one hundred fifty thousand dollars.. The conservator will not look into the different Social Security numbers which have stocks, bonds, and bank accounts the conservator have accounts in his name only I was told by a employee at the back.. I need help!
