Thursday, September 27, 2018

"Who's Guarding the Guardians"

The nation's guardianship system is a failure. It puts people in the hands of others with little or no evidence of necessity, but to create a for profit industry for court-appointed lawyers.

"Who's Guarding the Guardians"

1 comment:

  1. That's all it does. My husband has been home over a year and the crooked court still won't let him have his money. He asked yesterday for money to buy Christmas presents and was told their would be no money for Christmas. The judge in Morgan county Missouri threatening to give him back to the public administrator without even acknowledging his letters of competency. The lawyers and courts are still stealing his money even when they are not needed once they get their hooks in you they just keep paying themselves and as his wife I supposed to get at least a thousand dollars a month from his retirement but in 5 years haven't seen a penny.
