Saturday, March 16, 2019

How Your Elderly Parent Will Become a Ward of the State (part 1)

Make no mistake - state-imposed "guardianship" of senior citizens is a seizure of assets, and a violation of family rights.

A so-called "senior services" agency can go to court and get an emergency order of guardianship - simply by CLAIMING incompetency, abuse, or neglect. The family has no opportunity to refute the charges (if they even live in the same state!).

The older person is then taken from his/her home by POLICE - and delivered to a long-term care facility with no recourse. There they are usually diagnosed with dementia and medicated against their will. You can't even visit them unsupervised; somebody's always watching you.

They are "dead in the law."

These events often happen after being widowed or other upsetting event. Tragically, the elder person often made the mistake of reaching out for "help."

How Your Elderly Parent Will Become a Ward of the State (part 1)

1 comment:

  1. This is a good interview! Thanks for reposting it.
