Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tonight on Marti Oakley's TS Radio Network - What Happens When the "Ward" is Dead? With Guest, Lisa Belanger

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

Our guest tonight is Lisa Belanger. After a seven year battle to free her father from a predatory guardianship, on January 28, 2019 Lisa issued an alert that the guardians were attempting to put her father Marvin Siegel into hospice. The message was clear…Marvin’s estate had been successfully depleted to a great degree, (they claim there might be a balance) by the guardians and attorney’s. These same professional predators refuse to give a current accounting of where the estate stands now.

Having no further value to them, hospice was the clear choice for hastily ending his life. Lisa was successful in stopping that effort. but somehow his death appears to have been hastened, none the less.

Despite Lisa’s ongoing efforts, her father passed away on March 15, 2019. But the questions remain. Marvin’s estate had been valued at $9 million when he was taken hostage in the probate/guardian system. What could these predators possibly have done for him over the last seven years that would have cost $9 million dollars?  He was held prisoner in his own home.  Denied contact with his own children and grandchildren until just recently, and drugged incessantly against his will. During this time his assets were liquidated, real property re-titled to the predators, and valuable personal property simply disappeared.

So what happens when the “ward” dies? Join us as we attempt to discover just what happens once the “ward” is deceased and can’t be used anymore to justify the theft of the estate?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW LIVE or listen to the archive later

1 comment:

  1. Good show. I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Belanger.
