Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tonight on Marti Oakley's TS Radio Network: Whistleblowers! with guest Coz Whitten-Skaife

At 7:00 pm CST

Tonight we will expose the rampant abuse of the judicial system operating out of Montgomery County courthouse in Pennsylvania. Targeted victims and their families speak out about the collusion and ongoing conspiracy to target, imprison and defraud elderly family members, facilitated by the court of Judge Stanley Ott. Judge Ott and his gaggle of predators-for-profit are commonly known as the “Ottholes”.

Having exercised every available legal avenue in an attempt to hold Judge Ott and his merry band of predators accountable, it has become apparent that blowing the whistle on this Judge is of no interest to Pennsylvania State government nor the Judiciary. Join Coz Whitten-Skaife and myself as we expose the criminal racketeering taking place in Montgomery County via just this one court. Numerous individuals kidnapped, isolated and robbed while being forcibly medicated in many instances…..all so some predator working under the protection of Judge Stanley Ott can enrich themselves by seizing the assets of those they hold hostage.

Shenanigans in the Montgomery County, PA, Courthouse

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