Friday, April 12, 2019

Tonight on Marti Oakley's TS Radio Network: Pennsylvania and The Trafficking of adults, children and the disabled for $$, with co-host Coz Whitten-Skaife

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

Our guest this evening is Ron Shegda, a well known advocate in Pennsylvania who has devoted his time to exposing the depravity of the social services and guardianship systems operating not only in Pennsylvania, but across the country. Ron is also sponsoring the “Grace Packer” Anti CPS bill in the Pennsylvania legislature. The bill is based upon the life and horrible death of an adoptee named Grace Packer who was murdered and dismembered by her adoptive parents. Grace packer was born Susan Hunsicker and was taken from her mother after she suffered a brain injury.

Grace Packer Story

Ron wrote “Easy Essays For Disbanding Social Services”, an excellent treatise on how and why these agencies need to be disbanded. Far from being protective services, child or adult protection agencies would be better described as predator services. These agencies prey on the vulnerable, upon families and the disabled for no other reason than cash incentives created through targeted funding to encourage the predators. They are buying, selling and trading us…the people.

Please join us as we expose more of the trafficking of other human beings taking place each and every day right here in the US….land of the free and home of the prey.

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