Monday, March 9, 2020

Senator authors bill to protect vulnerable Hoosiers from financial exploitation

State Sen.Eric Koch
A bill authored by State Sen. Eric Koch, R-Bedford, that would protect the elderly, dependents and endangered adults by increasing the scrutiny of and penalties for those who exploit them recently passed the House of Representatives.

Senate Enrolled Act 249, which passed the Senate unanimously, would make it a Class A misdemeanor for a person in a position of trust to self-deal in the property of an endangered adult or a dependent.

The offense is enhanced to a Level 6 felony if the person has a prior unrelated conviction for the same offense.

“We all too often see vulnerable people, often seniors, financially exploited by people in positions of trust,” Koch said. “This bill will allow law enforcement to get involved and hold them accountable.”

This legislation now moves to Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb for final consideration.

Koch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, serves Senate District 44, which includes all or parts of Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Lawrence and Monroe counties.

Full Article & Source:
Senator authors bill to protect vulnerable Hoosiers from financial exploitation

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