Thursday, June 25, 2020

New Book by John Caravella: "Scams, Tricks and Deceptions"

When John Caravella retired from police service 25 years ago, he took on consumer fraud investigations for various agencies. He also published a book titled, "Marked for Destruction" which chronicles the deliberate targeting of a elderly Florida woman named Adele Fraulen upon her receiving an unexpected inheritance:

"What Adele Fraulen might have thought to be nothing more than a meaningless bad dream one night in 1935 would actually come true.

At age 79 she would find herself living a nightmare -- a struggle for her life, simply because she innocently trusted the wrong professionals to help with her portion of a Million Dollar inheritance; they would steal her very existence.

Her neighbors, Chris and Patricia Zurillo, would realize that Adele's life was going terribly wrong and dedicate themselves to freeing her from captivity.

“Marked For Destruction” is a rare book that exposes an ever-expanding crime against our elderly."

John's interest in various forms of scams (including those which are especially successful against the elderly) led him to unfair, fraudulent or deceptive new car purchases and inspired him to write a new book, "Scams, Tricks, and Deceptions - a Guide for New Car Buyers."

NASGA is pleased to promote Mr. Caravella's latest book, and to take the opportunity to once again promote "Marked for Destruction"  --- one of NASGA's all-time favorite books on guardianship abuse.

Both books are available at the Marked for Destruction Website

1 comment:

  1. I read Marked for Destruction a few years back and it made me cry, especially toward the end when the guardian walked by with Adele's little dog.
