Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Suspended Seneca County judge has yet to surrender his license

TIFFIN, Ohio — A Seneca County judge who was suspended one year by the Ohio Supreme Court last month has yet to surrender his license.

Judge Mark Repp was disciplined for holding a spectator in contempt in March 2020 and forcing her to take drug and pregnancy tests. According to court records, Repp was ordered to turn over his attorney registration card.

From the court records:

"It is ordered by the court ... that respondent show cause on or before 20 days from the date of this order why respondent should not be found in contempt for failure to fully comply with this court's order of November 9, 2021, to wit: failure to surrender his attorney registration card and failure to file an affidavit of compliance on or before December 9, 2021." 

According to court documents, Judge Repp called Alexzandria Orta out from the bench and referred to her as a drug addict during an unrelated hearing for her boyfriend. Judge Repp suspected she was high and ordered her to take a drug test. When she refused and said she was not on drugs, the judge sentenced her to 10 days in jail.

A prosecutor dropped the charges the next day.

Orta was not on trial or on probation and had never been charged with a drug-related offense. She was subjected to several invasive searches, including pregnancy tests and an MRI to check if drugs were inside her body.

Her attorney said Orta was detained for approximately 24 hours. Repp has admitted in court documents that he treated Orta inappropriately but contends that the incident was an aberration.

Repp was suspended one year on Nov. 9 after an investigation by the Board of Professional Conduct. 

Full Article & Source:

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