Sunday, July 9, 2023

Protecting Our Seniors: Yolo County Joins Forces to Combat Financial Scams Targeting the Elderly


The Yolo County District Attorney's Office, in partnership with the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency, are issuing an urgent public advisory to raise awareness about the alarming increase in financial scams targeting our elderly population. These scams have reached an unprecedented level of sophistication, posing a serious threat to the financial security and overall well-being of our beloved seniors.

Recent data from the California Department of Justice reveals a startling rise in financial scams targeting the elderly, with a staggering 30% increase in reported incidents across the state over the past year alone. Our own community of Yolo County has unfortunately not been spared from this troubling trend, with a significant number of our seniors falling victim to these reprehensible crimes.

These scams have evolved far beyond traditional methods, leveraging advanced technology and exploiting the vulnerabilities of our seniors. Fraudsters employ various manipulative techniques, including impersonating trusted institutions, creating sophisticated phishing emails, and using coercive tactics to extract sensitive personal and financial information. It is crucial that our focus be on supporting and protecting victims rather than criticizing them for having been victimized by these criminals.  

In response to this growing threat, the County of Yolo has taken proactive measures to combat financial scams targeting our elderly residents. The Yolo County District Attorney's Office and the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency have joined forces to launch a comprehensive initiative aimed at raising awareness, providing educational resources, and strengthening community support networks.

Through this collaborative effort, we are enhancing public education and outreach to ensure that our seniors have the knowledge and tools to recognize and prevent scams before falling victim. We are also bolstering efforts to investigate and prosecute those responsible for preying on our vulnerable population, sending a strong message that such acts will not be tolerated in our community.

We urge all residents of Yolo County to remain vigilant and to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their loved ones. Here are some essential tips to help safeguard against financial scams:

  • Keep personal information, such as Social Security numbers and banking details, confidential and secure.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited calls, emails, or messages requesting personal or financial information. Legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive details via unsolicited means.
  • Regularly review financial statements and credit reports for any suspicious activity. No legitimate financial institution or organization will ever ask you to buy gift cards or put money into cryptocurrency.
  • Report any instances of scams or fraud to the local authorities and relevant regulatory agencies. Embarrassment and fear of losing their independence are often the reason victims do not report these crimes. When someone falls prey to deceit, DO NOT talk down to them or treat them like a child. Encourage them to report it and support them in their recovery from being scammed.

Stay informed by visiting the official websites of trusted organizations for the latest information on scams and fraud prevention.

The County of Yolo, through this partnership of its dedicated staff, remains committed to the safety and well-being of our seniors. We encourage everyone to join us in this critical endeavor by spreading awareness, supporting those victimized, and remaining vigilant against these cunning scams. By working together, we can protect the most vulnerable members of our community and ensure a safe and secure future for all.

  • Report any crimes to your local law enforcement’s non-emergency number. If you suspect that someone is a victim of elder abuse or financial exploitation, report it to Adult Protective Services (APS) at 530-661-2727 or 1-888-675-1115. If you think the person’s safety may be at risk, call 911.
  • Additionally, if you or someone you know is a victim of elder fraud, we encourage you to call the National Elder Fraud Hotline at 833-FRAUD-11 (833-372-8311).

If you want to assist us in spreading public awareness or are interested in how best to protect yourself, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has additional resources here:

Protecting Our Seniors: Yolo County Joins Forces to Combat Financial Scams Targeting the Elderly

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