Saturday, May 11, 2024

Caregiving Expert Offers Elder Care Advice and Keynotes

Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiver Subject Matter Expert

Denver, CO
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What If Aging Parents Refuse to Plan?
Video Clip: Click to Watch

What if Aging Parents Refuse to Plan?

          Denver, CO – May 7, 2024. Caregivers concerned about aging parents who refuse to plan for future care needs find that Wilson's YouTube video on this topic offers practical advice for initiating conversations. The video shares stories about why individuals hesitate to plan and offers conversation starters to open the door to deeper discussions about what aging parents do or do not want for their care.  

Also mentioned are the difficulties of planning for the care of loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer's who may be cognitively beyond the ability to navigate or have conversations about their wishes. In this case, Wilson's online program How to Get Guardianship of an Elderly Parent offers information to determine if guardianship might be the next step in care planning.

Early Conversations about Care Reduce Caregiver Worry

Initiating conversations about planning for advancing age and health concerns is not easy. Parents or their adult children may be uncomfortable initiating these discussions, which—in a perfect world—should happen before health issues occur. 

Good health today is a blessing and an illusion that can disappear at a moment's notice. Early discussions about needed care and financial and legal matters can reduce responding in crisis mode when the unexpected happens.

Wilson Offers Virtual 1:1 Consultations and Keynotes

Caregiving expert and speaker Pamela D. Wilson offers virtual 1:1 elder care consultations, keynotes, and educational sessions worldwide for organizations and groups on aging, caregiving, and elder care.

According to Wilson, "My unique value proposition is my experience as a client care manager and professional fiduciary across various channels, including clinical, post-acute and home health care, social and community care, insurance, financial and wealth management, and estate planning.

Specific to fiduciary work, I served as a court-appointed guardian and conservator, medical power of attorney, financial power of attorney, trustee, and personal representative of the estate for clients for 11 years. I am an expert witness on care management and guardianship.

This one-of-a-kind experience offers rare and relatable insight for navigating healthcare systems, family, caregiver, and patient experiences."

Wilson's practical approach to elder care consulting and speaking results from nearly 25 years of professional advocacy for caregivers and patients. Empathy and compassion for difficult-to-imagine situations are necessary in caregiving relationships.

Caregivers and individuals who need care experience high levels of ongoing emotional stress and trauma. Education and planning help families and individuals manage the uncertainty of planning for the future.

Wilson's Programs Provide Practical Support for Family Caregivers, Care Receivers and Patients

Wilson is a caregiving expert with over twenty years of lived experience supporting caregivers and care receivers. Through information on her website, online courses, YouTube Channel, 1:1 consultations, and speaking events, she provides practical, detailed step-by-step education and instructions to guide professional and family caregivers and adults facing change in health and uncertainty about the future. 

Caregiving Expert Offers Elder Care Advice and Keynotes

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