Monday, February 17, 2025

Keeping Seniors Safe From Scams and Fraud With the NJ State Library

From robocalls and fraudulent texts to phishing, identity theft, and more, scams are a pervasive and prevalent piece of the digital age. Each year, countless time, resources, and funds are lost thanks to fraudsters who prey upon the most vulnerable members of our communities. While anyone can fall victim to a scam, this issue is of particular concern for our senior population. With new healthcare scams and schemes popping up every day, there has never been a more important time to remain vigilant, educated, and alert of the signs of fraudulent activity. For those seeking to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from harm, equipping yourself with knowledge is the best protection you can employ against those seeking to do harm. And with the help of the New Jersey State Library’s upcoming webinar, you’ll be savvy to scams in no time.

On Tuesday, February 25th, the New Jersey State Library will be hosting “Scams and Frauds for Seniors”. This informative conversation will take place virtually from 12pm to 1pm on Zoom. Your host for the afternoon will be Michael Rosati, who will be representing the New Jersey Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. This discussion will cover a variety of important topics, including the various types of scams criminals employ today, as well as practical tips and strategies to utilize in your own life to better protect against these schemes.

As with all New Jersey State Library webinars, this discussion is completely free to attend. However, advanced registration is required. For those interested in tuning in, please register on Zoom, linked here: Register – NJSL. This conversation is perfect for seniors who are interested in keeping themselves safe from scams, as well as family and caregivers seeking to keep their loved ones safe.

The afternoon’s host, Michael Rosati, is a subject matter expert with years of relevant experience in the field. A member of the New Jersey Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) since 2017, Mr. Rosati has worked a wide variety of criminal cases involving high-dollar provider fraud schemes, pharmaceutical drug diversion, theft, financial exploitation, as well as cases involving the abuse and/or neglect of disabled or elderly victims. As of May 2024, Mr. Rosati has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant within the MFCU, where he continues to conduct investigations and supervise a team of detectives assigned to the southern region of the state. Additionally, Mr. Rosati is a member of the New Jersey Elder Protection Task Force, where he works with communities across the state to help keep our seniors safe and thriving.

For more information about this and other upcoming events at the New Jersey State Library, please visit their website, linked here: NJSL – Home. To learn more about upcoming webinars and other resources, please visit the NJSL’s Events Calendar, linked here: Events – NJSL. You can also keep up with the New Jersey State Library on Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have any questions, please contact NJSL staff at (609) 278-2640 with any inquiries you may have.

Full Article & Source:
Keeping Seniors Safe From Scams and Fraud With the NJ State Library

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