Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Accused Abusers Not Charged

No criminal charges will be filed against several caregivers whose abuse of an elderly patient at the state-run Emily P. Bissell Hospital was captured on a surveillance camera.

Jason Miller, an attorney general spokesman: "The agency [Delaware Attorney General's Office] is declining to prosecute even though investigations by the hospital and the state's Division of Long Term Care Resident Protection substantiated the allegations."

Three employees were terminated and another two were suspended without pay. Four of the five employees also have been placed on the state's Adult Abuse Registry, a list of caregivers who have substantiated allegations of abuse.

The 75-year-old woman in question was in the Bissell Hospital with a fractured leg after a fall in January 2007. Disagreements between two different factions in her family regarding the level of care being given at Bissell led to a mandatory mediation in October resulting in the appointment of a public guardian.

The guardian requested she be moved to another facility.

Full Article and Source:
Bissell workers accused of abuse face no charges

See also:
Relatives Claim Retaliation


  1. No charges???!! Now that's criminal!

  2. Hmmmmm, AG isn't pressing charges? Follow the $$$ and the votes. This is shameful and a disgrace and the message is.....old folks don't count. What if the victim, the ward, was a young child? A toddler? Different outcome? I think so....

  3. Delaware Attorney General's Office - what is their problem? Gee whiz, they have this on film - isn't this a prosecutor's dream case?

    If the victim were related to the AG, do you think these abusers, these cowards would find themselves charged with felonies?

  4. The Delaware Attorney's office should be very, very ashamed. The world is now watching.

  5. I knew all of these abusers because I worked beside them and I can tell you that they are all pieces of crap that think THEY were wrongly being treated and that they didn't do anything wrong. Horrible people...
