Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Arts Contest Focused on Elder Abuse

Attorney General Terry Goddard invited high school juniors across the state to participate in an arts contest focused on elder abuse.

Participants are asked to submit original posters, poems or essays that address the question, “Why should I care about elder abuse?”

Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on March 31. Contest results will be announced in April. Contest winners will receive first, second and third place prizes of $500, $250, and $100, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Free Arts of Arizona.

Winning works will also be printed on a poster to be distributed as part of the statewide Elder Abuse Awareness campaign held to coincide with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, 2009.

For additional information and contest rules, go to www.azag.gov

Contest to help elders


  1. This is a wonderful idea and what an inspiration. Children will appreciate the elderly if they are taught early.

  2. I agre with Betty, this is a perfect way to get the young to care about the elderly.

    Crossing that age barrier benefits everyone.

  3. This is a giant step in the right direction finding a meaningful way for youngsters focusing on the older folks who might not be in their personal lives.

    I would bet that most of these kids are shocked and sickened hearing that elder abuse is a reality that is coming out of the closet.

    We hear about child abuse which brought about drastic changes in reporting, investigating, prosecuting and punishment to the offenders.

  4. AG Terry Goddard had a great idea and I congratulate him on his innovative thinking.

  5. Applause and standing ovation! Smart way to get the kids attention while they still have a heart.

  6. Attorney General Terry Goddard is to be praised and congratulated for thinking outside the box for all the right reasons - good job!
