Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Caretaker Allegedly Bilked Elderly

Aauthorities said that the live-in caretaker of an 84-year-old Huntington Beach woman allegedly took out fraudulent loans in her name, bilking the older woman out of about $200,000 and putting the woman's home in danger of foreclosure.

Cindi Dee Powell, 54, has been charged with financial elder abuse, grand theft, identity theft, vehicle theft, fraud and forgery. She remains in custody.

According to police, Powell moved in with Constance Wakefield to help the woman, who uses a wheelchair, around the house and drive her to appointments. Wakefield hired Powell through a classified ad and was not aware that Powell was on probation in another elder abuse case.

Beginning in 2006, police said, Powell took out fraudulent loans on Wakefield's home and opened bank accounts in her name, using the money to buy and sell cars -- including Wakefield's.

Wakefield is now under water on her mortgage and could face foreclosure.

Full Article and Source:
Live-in caretaker charged with financial elder abuse, fraud and forgery

More information:
Caregiver suspected of taking $122,000 from woman - Worker who had cared for Huntington Beach woman since 2006 was on probation for elder financial abuse

Caretaker charged with stealing from elderly woman


  1. Horrible.

    There should be stiffer laws for when someone takes advantage of the elderly.

    And those who do, should suffer the consequences.

  2. And what happens to the victim?

    Sadly, she'll fall into the system and be victimized again.

    Only this time, they'll get away with it.

  3. Second offense?

    You see, a slap on the hand doesn't even deter them.

    Jailtime is the only deterrent and I hope she gets it this time.

  4. She remains in custody - let's hope she stays in custody this time.

  5. Harsh prison sentence for first time offenders.

    It is absolutely ineffective and a stupid decision to let these financial predators lay in wait for their prey.

    I say BOO to the judge for not throwing this crook in the slammer the first time around.
