Saturday, April 25, 2009

Elder Abuse Alert

An elder abuse alert has gone out to all area adult and senior centers warning of a possible financial scam targeting local seniors.

The scheme was first reported about a month ago, originating from the Willows SeniorNet Learning Center in San Jose. According to a news release, two members reported receiving calls from someone claiming to be a representative from the center and asking about financial assets and resources.

The center was notified, and the case has been referred to police. Meanwhile, the Campbell Adult Center has been on alert and warning members about the scam.

Kathy Whitcomb, senior services supervisor at the center" "The purpose of putting it in our newsletter is to educate those who get our newsletter that we in Campbell are not doing that. We just want to let them know that we at the Campbell Adult Center are not involved with this whatsoever." Whitcomb said she knows of no incidents specific to the Campbell Adult Center, but advised that residents call police immediately if they receive any suspicious phone calls.

Campbell Police Capt. Dave Carmichael said there are a number of versions of the scam going around, but they usually have a common theme.

Anyone receiving a suspicious phone call or letter is advised to call Campbell police dispatch at 408-866-2101 or the San Jose Police Department's 311 hotline.

Full Article and Source:
Elder abuse alert goes out in local newsletter, with a scam warning


  1. Thank you for keeping theh public informed of new scams targeting the elderly.

  2. Thanks for helping educate and inform our elder society about the dangers out there.

  3. This is a great service NASGA does for the elderly.

  4. I agree, this is important and valuable. Thanks, NASGA.
