Monday, May 11, 2009

Never Give Up

Lifelong NY resident, WWII vet, teacher, worker, inventor...

On a visit to daughter in Ct. (2005) Dan Gross became embroiled in the Ct. Probate System where the judge, denied him his constitutional rights, although he begged for them.

The judge went on to give Dan to a conservator who had him locked up in a nursing home, even though it was not the highest level for him, had him forced medications, refused him his own doctors, his own choice of lawyers, prevented him from seeking aid of any advocacy groups, denied his right to visitors, family, stripped him of all assets, put his house up for sale - all his worldly possessions disappeared.

How can this happen?

In 2006, due to the efforts of some incredible high-minded people, they fought for, and won the freedom of this 86 year old man.

Connecticut Conservatorship

In 2007 the legislators changed the law to protect the rights of others. 2007 - Recent Developments in
Connecticut Conservatorship Law

Those we have the utmost gratitude for are Atty. Veronica Halpern (Htfd. Legal Aid), Rick Green of the Hartford Courant, Atty.John Peters, who worked pro-bono to free Dan, Atty. Marilyn Denney (Htfd. Legal Aid), Eric Zager of Fox 61 News, Royal Stark of Quinnipiac Law School and the students who helped, Tom Berrant of CTLegal Project and others, Dan's friends, and finally the outstanding judge of Superior Court, Judge Gormley, who restored justice and freedom to Dan Gross.

With Law, Justice is Conserved

Reform, Not Now, Not Ever

The Scandal of Connecticut's Probate Courts

We thank God above all and for putting these wonderful people in our path to overcome this perverse system that preys on the vulnerable. Symbol of Hope

Dan said this was always about the money--he was right.

He also said, "Never give up"--we won't! Petition by Dee King

May 2009 ~ Guardianship abuse victims recognized during Elder Abuse Prevention Month


  1. Daniel Gross was subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment and sentenced to a lifetime in "prison".

    His case, though, gave us hope. First, that Rick Green of the Hartford Courant did the story - causing a tidal wave of outrage. Second, that an attorney would take on the case because of that personal outrage. And third, that Dan Gross was set free.

  2. It amazes me that there's so much controversary about the war. Those who agree with the war say if you are against the war, then you're not supporting the troops.

    But, what about the troops who have done their duty and given their all to their country? When they need support, where is everybody?

    Daniel Gross is a veteran. Look how this country treated him.

  3. Another disaster started by a family dispute which could have been resolved without a guardianship.

  4. Daniel Gross is a HERO for Seniors. We all need to recognize what is happening to elders and their human rights!

    There is greater outrage over animal abuse than elder abuse.

  5. Mr. Gross' life was taken from him unjustly locking him up in CT's long term care Warehouse where they
    medicated him into submission with the goal
    of immobility so when his money is depleted, he would have died prematurely.

    Mr. Gross' family must have fought hard to set him free.

    Blessings and prayers to the following who helped set Mr. Gress free: Veronica Halpern (Htfd. Legal Aid), Rick Green of the Hartford Courant, Atty.John Peters, who worked pro-bono to free Dan, Atty. Marilyn Denney (Htfd. Legal Aid), Eric Zager of Fox 61 News, Royal Stark of Quinnipiac Law School and the students who helped, Tom Berrant of CTLegal Project and others, Dan's friends, and finally the outstanding judge of Superior Court, Judge Gormley, who restored justice and freedom to Dan Gross

    This story brings hope to the many families currently battling similar injustices in CT's 117 Probate Courts and Guardianship racket. They break us emotionally and financially. Hearts and families are being ripped apart by these Injustices.

  6. Daniel Gross found a voice through Rick Green. Thank you Rick Green!

  7. Everything was taken from him by his court-appointed "protectors".

    This case should embarrass the legal system.

  8. Embarrass the legal system?

    I know you mean well........BUT These people don't feel anything, they don't miss a beat, go right to the next case.

    Only people with a heart and soul and a conscience who make up a system would be embarrassed, not these people who believe they are better than us, smarter than us, more educated than us and above us the little people who are here to serve their needs.

  9. Hurray for all the fabulous professionals who were willing to fight for Mr. Gross. No one would help me fight for my mother. She was abused every day for the last five years of her life despite my best efforts.
