Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Record Number of Complaints

A record number of complaints were filed against judges in New York for the second year in a row, according to a report issued Friday.

The report from the state Judicial Conduct Commission found that 1,923 complaints were received last year, 212 more than the year before.

The commission decided to remove one judge from office, censure eight and publicly admonish six others. Another six judges resigned last year while they were being investigated and agreed not to seek judicial office again.

Since the commission was created by the Legislature in 1975, it has received 39,457 complaints and removed 157 judges from office. Another 421 resigned while under investigation.

Full Article and Source:
Complaints against N.Y. judges reach record levels


  1. Our system of election of judges should be changed to:

    Appointment and merit retention.

  2. That's 1,923 people who took the time and made the effort to complain. Most people just move on and do nothing. So, you can bet the number of dissatisfied NY customers is much more than 1,923!

  3. Something needs to be done about all the judges who think they are running their own little kingdom and can do what they want. Media attention is probably the only thing that will bring action against these corrupt judges.

  4. I find the information at the NASGA blog informative, timely and extremely important.

    I agree with anon, for every person who files a complaint how many others____________ were unable for many reasons or deceased and could not follow through with this process.

    Shameful and a real bad example to those in the judicial system who are damaged by the bad, rotted apples. Damage to perception to those judges who serve with honor.

  5. Something needs to change. the elected officals do not promote due process, you are a crimanl and not proven innocent.The only ones that are protected are those of the black robe and his cronies. That is a small percent that got dinged compared to the number of compalints. It should send a message that NY is not happy to someone who will listen.

  6. I would like to know names and charges!

  7. I am pleased to find this article on the NASGA blog -- where I've learned to come for the latest information on guardianship and human rights issues.

    Perhaps the Judicial Conduct Commission could get more work done if they had more people -- and I bet hands would be up to volunteer!

    21 "actions" out of 1,923 complaints for last year?

    That's poor performance!

  8. With the record number of complaints there should be a record number of discipline actions from the NY Judicial Conduct Commission.

    But there's not -- now why is that again????!
