Friday, July 24, 2009

Allred Nominates NGA Director

El Paso lawyer and guardianship specialist Terry Hammond has been nominated in a court petition to be the financial guardian for the octuplets delivered in January by Nadya Suleman, known to many as the Octomom.

The nomination came in a petiton for guardianship of a minor filed last month in an Orange County, Calif., superior court by Hollywood lawyer Gloria Allred and John Deily of Irvine, Ca., on behalf of former child actor Paul Peterson, who heads A Minor Consideration, a nonprofit dedicated to the protection of child actors and celebrities.

The first hearing on the petition is set for Monday.

Hammond, who specializes in elder law with with his wife, Stephanie Townsend Allalla, is a recognized authority on guardianships and has been executive director of the National Guardianship Association since 2006.

Full Article and Source:
El Paso lawyer Terry Hammond nominated as financial guardian for Octomom's 8

See also:
Legal Abuse of Octomom?

Gloria Allred Files Petition for Octo-Guardian


  1. Yo, Momma! Kiss yo' $$$ goombye!

  2. There goes any amount of respect I had for Gloria Allred!

  3. Is this for real? I am steaming - see my steam?

    Anyone have any doubts whatsoever that this isn't a prime example of the guardianship racket aka ORGANIZED CRIME under color of law?

    Anyone have any wild guesses at how much $$$$$ Terry Hammond, current President of the National Guardianship Association, will be charging / billing his wards for the next _____ years for his "services"?

    Anyone have any idea how much Hammond will be spreading around to how many others ______ for mega billing hours who are waiting with their money bags / trucks wide open for this "complicated complex****" guardianship case for 8 innocent victims? (****buzz words in lawyer speak for whoa judge hold on to your bench, robe and gavel judge cause this billing is gonna be astronomical and you will rubberstamp your approval)

    This is the height of hyprocacy and a disgrace putting.

    SHAME ON YOU TERRY HAMMOND, SHAME ON YOU GLORIA ALLRED take a look in the mirror Terry Hammond et al - your greed is showing and it stinks.

  4. I could spit nails when I see how these people who are in positions to profit use each other to get richer and richer and richer. These 8 innocent babies are nothing more than dancing dollar signs for these greeeeedy vultures. People like this are supporting the perception that Americans have lost their way with their eyes and claws on the almighty dollar sign. Terry Hammond and Gloria Allred you a poor example of what America used to stand for. If I were a veteran or an active member of the military and I read this I would be furious (considering going AWOL) that I gave 1 minute of my time for people like......YOU!

  5. Octo babies gonna have a new daddy? Gee, how much will this cost the kids. Hmmmmmm, 8 X 18 years = Millions in billing hours? Hmmmm, how many others will be feeding off of this guardianship situation? Makes me want to vomit.

  6. What about the OctoGrandmother? What about any other relative?

    Did Gloria Alred consider anybody but Terry Hammond?

    Perhaps the two have joined forces to cash in on the octuplets themselves!

  7. Terry Hammond is a "guardianship specialist" for sure. He's probably made millions "specializing" at the expense of his wards.

  8. This is just sickening. Did anybody try another member of the family or even consider another family member or was the rush to get Hammond and the NGA in place?


  9. Allred nominates Hammond?

    Oh, is Allred the judge here?

    Geez, this couldn't possibly be a set-up, could it???

  10. While OctoMom was irresponsible, this is WORSE!

    No details on their foster care, etc. Will they be separated and farmed out? The only thing we know is that they will be robbed!

  11. Is this legal? Certainly looks unethical. I feel so sad for those sweet little ones who didn't ask for trouble. Mom must be furious. Maybe the whole world is nuts, so I better get nuts too.

  12. Expert at plunder! Maybe we should follow these a-holes and attempt guardianship at any opportune time!

  13. Who in their right mind would hire an attorney and professional guardian for care @ $350/hr.?

    Something is terribly wrong!

  14. This guy endorses the abuses in guardianship for PROFIT!

  15. Please, is there any hope to ending this?

    He promotes himself as educated, interested and respectable! He is interested in $$$$$$$$.

  16. Why is nuturing never an issue!

  17. Hammond, you hold your head high, but your intentions are the lowest!

  18. I believe that the guardianship racket and the national guardianship association is about money and profit.

    I also believe that there are certified guardians in that organization that are abusers.

  19. I do not trust anyone associated with the NGA. It is like a mafia of guardians, and they are after your $$$$$$$$ Watch out, Octomom!

  20. Watch it Octomom you could be next. I betcha they are figuring out how to snatch you up and you will be the next WARD OF THE STATE!

    Terry Hammond landed the big one with this potential guardianship case of 8. This does not pass the stink test.

  21. The NGA claims to advocate for fair practices in guardianship, but it's the same claim as guardianship itself. We hear the hollow words: for the benefit of the ward.

    And what that truly means is: for the benefit of the guardian.

    It's the same here. Terry Hammond and the NGA claim to be above boards but I believe they are just opportunists, preying on the vulnerable for profit.

    There are good guardians and there are good guardians in the NGA. But there are also bad guardians in the NGA and the NGS turns its collective heads to the abusers. As long as they pay their dues, they're "in".

  22. OK, let's all start praying that the judge on this case will be a honest judge who is genuinely concerned with the octuplet's welfare. If so, Terry Hammond won't get this appointment.

  23. Betcha Terry Hammond gets what he wants.

  24. The NGA has grown into a powerful organization - and they need money.

    With the NGA behind Hammond's nomination, you can bet he'll get the job --- and the octuplets will be the losers.

    So very sad.
