Friday, July 24, 2009

Guardian Abuse of Maecker

Bill Maecker & 98 year old Mother, Virginia Maecker (NY): Guardian Abuse


  1. We're with you all the way Bill and Virginia Maecker.

    Give 'em hell! They the vulters earned it and deserve it.

  2. Virginia, you are a living doll with a son who cares dearly about you. It sickens me to read what these greedy sob's did to your family all in the name of power, control and M O N E Y. I hope God judges them without mercy; I pray there is a special hot place in hell for all of them.

  3. Thank you, Bill, Virginia & Deb.
    One case seems worse than another but all are really the same.

    Ditto: "Well done, Bill!"

    NASGA Member

  4. Virginia Maeker is an inspiration!

    Bill is lucky to have such a mother.

  5. It takes a lot of courage to get up on stage and take the microphone.

    And it takes a lot of spunk for a 98 year old woman to just be there as well.

  6. Thank you Deborah, Bill, and Virginia, for representing NASGA at the DC Rally and for speaking for the victims og guardianship / conservatorship abuse.

    Virginia is a star!

  7. Videos like this gets the word out and I thank you for doing it.

    And thank you, NASGA, for always posting the latest news!

  8. BEAUTIFUL! Your Mother will feel great affection and gratitude for your efforts!

  9. WOW! We need more of this!

    She knows she is loved!

  10. Ditto that. Thank you Bill, Virginia and Deb for your efforts and sacrifice to appear at the DC Rally.

  11. Many of us share your pain and continue to fight.

    Stay close with your Mother!

  12. It does make a difference when you see the victims, the people who are affected by the guardianship racket.

    These are real people, not just names on paper.

    WAKE UP AMERICA! This could very well happen to YOU!
