Saturday, July 4, 2009

NASGA Celebrates Independence Day

National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse

For immediate release

July 4, 2009
For more information contact:
Annie McKenna
NASGA Media Liaison
NASGA Celebrates Independence Day

On this traditional day when we celebrate our Independence, NASGA brings to public attention the plight of many of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens - the elderly and disabled (including disabled or elderly Veterans) - who have lost their Independence through a legal process known as guardianship or conservatorship.

"Wards of the State" are stripped of all their civil rights and liberties in the name of “protection.” Many are forced into nursing homes, drugged, and isolated from family and friends. Everything they have worked a lifetime to attain is taken from them to pay administrative and legal fees for their court-ordered “protectors.” Some die premature deaths. Others spend what should be their golden years in misery and suffering. Families struggling in vain to save their loved ones from this nightmare are broken, emotionally and financially.

If America is truly the land of the free, it must protect its vulnerable citizens from incarceration against their will for the monetary benefit of those who prey on the weak and defenseless, as well as those who enable this type of plunder.


  1. Thank you, NASGA, for reminding us that many people are not truly independent on Independence Day.

  2. This is a very appropriate press release for today. Thank you!

  3. The 4th of July is a sad day to remember all who fought for freedom for ALL Americans.

    People who are guilty of crimes lose their freedom after they are convicted.

    Innocent people lose all of their freedoms, including all of their assets, in a matter of minutes when they are declared wards of the state.

  4. Thank you for drawing attention to our elderly and disabled population who have been denied their freedom and their basic rights.

  5. We are living under a false feeling of "freedom" if any segment of our society isn't truly free.

  6. A very fitting reminder.

    Thank you Nasga!

  7. Let's pray that the USA gets back on the right track.

  8. What's wrong with America?

    We have become a nation of the lawyers, by the lawyers and FOR the lawyers!

  9. Freedom for all should literally be ALL.

  10. Independence Day tends to be a day to remember the troops. But the soldiers who have served and have come back home disabled, or those who have grown old, sadly aren't remembered.

    Thank you for the reminder that American citizens live in the land of the free but are nontheless held captive.
