Sunday, February 28, 2010

Carmel on the Case: Seidlin Lawsuit

The exploitation lawsuit brought by an elderly woman against former judge Larry Seidlin and several others is making its way through the legal system. At a recent deposition, there was a stand off when Seidlin tried to get close to the woman suing him.

Barbara Kasler is 84 years old. She has health issues and spends much of her time in bed at her Las Olas condominium.

Carmel Cafiero: "Is there one thing you'd want people to know?"

Barbara Kasler: "Well, look over your bills more carefully."

Carmel Cafiero: "To pay more attention to how your money is being spent?"

Barbara Kasler: "Yes."

The Seidlins aren't the only ones being sued. In all 15 individuals and business are named as defendants in the case everyone from Mrs. Kasler's former accountant to a former attorney.

[Kasler's attorney] Bill Scherer: "They weren't looking out after her interests."

So, when Mrs. Kasler recently sat down for her very first deposition in the case you can imagine how many lawyers gathered to hear what she had to say.

The wealthy widow is at the heart of a civil lawsuit that alleges she was exploited by former Broward judge Larry Seidlin, his wife and her parents. Earlier, a criminal investigation cleared Seidlin in connection with more than half a million dollars in gifts and property, Barbara Kasler gave to his family.

Full Article, Video, and Source:
Carmel on the Case: Seidlin Lawsuit


  1. The corruption with the elderly in Florida, "The Sunshine State" is enormous. No one is safe from possible neglect, abuse and exploitation. The perpetrators can be caregivers, guardians, lawyers, judges and many more.

  2. How is it that the obvious financial exploitation of Barbara Kasler by Larry Seidlin et al has ended up in case closed file with the prosecutors?

    Is former judge Seidlin getting a wink and a pass?

    If so, why?

    I hope Carmel Cariero and others in the media stay on this case like flies on dead fish.


    Your interview and video speaks volumes, confirming what I have been thinking about this case.

    The victim did not stand a chance with the Seidlin gang - did she?

    The video shows how forceful and bold Seidlin is to get what he wants, I hope his show of force hangs him in the end.
    NOW --- where are the prosecutors??

    Are they awake or worse incompetent or playing stupid?

    Are they waiting for the statute of limitations to expire?

    Or, are they waiting for the victim to expire?

    Is anyone in the state of FL going to open a criminal case?

    Am I the only person who wants answers?

    Am I the only person smelling rats?

  4. Didn't they already cover up for Seidlin in a criminal investigation? Or was that the usual m.o. of the judicial discipline bunch?

  5. Hurray for those in the media who are giving the victim a voice. Wish there were more like them.

  6. isn't this a creepy guy who hid behind his judicial robes?

  7. Thanks for giving Barbara Kasler a change to speak, Carmel, and for following this story.
