Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Seidlin Family Circus

On one side, you have the politically connected Bill Scherer and his law firm, and on the other, you have Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler, former state Sen. Skip Campbell, and Florida Bar President-Elect Scott Hawkins.

Welcome to the civil suit involving former Judge Larry Seidlin, who became a national celebrity/clown during his tearful handling of the Anna Nicole Smith case, and the elderly neighbor who is claiming that Seidlin exploited her to take a sizable chunk of her multimillion-dollar fortune.

Hawkins, Seiler, and Campbell form the core of Seidlin's defense team, representing the judge; his in-laws, Oren and Barbara Ray; and family friend Dorothy "Danni" Coletto, respectively. Hawkins just took over for Russ Adler, who was knocked out after his law partner, Scott Rothstein, was implicated in a billion-dollar Ponzi scheme.

Scherer is representing the widow, Barbara Kasler. Also involved is Lyn Evans, who has been working with the Kasler family for some time and has most recently been working as an investigator for Scherer in his suit. Evans is also a part-time researcher for the Daily Pulp and provided the video.

Full Article and Source:
The Seidlin Family Circus

See Also:
Cryin Judge Seidlin Turns Author


  1. Florida corruption with exploitation of the elderly begins at the very top of our legal system. It's not enough to have robbed this woman now they attempt to harass her on more than one occassion. Elderly, to avoid exploitation, should avoid "The Sunshine State". Seems to be heating up "Florida"

  2. Well, the judge is getting the attention he craves. Hopefully, he will be sitting in jail someday and getting even more attention from the other inmates.
