Sunday, May 9, 2010

Atty Accused of Plotting to Bilk Elderly Widows Out of Tens of Millions

An attorney who is trying to persuade city and county leaders to back his plans for a $1.5 billion development that would transform the downtown area masterminded a plot to bilk two elderly widows out of tens of millions of dollars, according to a lawsuit filed in Palm Beach County Circuit Court.

In a lawsuit that now takes up 64 overstuffed file folders in the county courthouse, attorney Michael Masanoff is accused of working both sides of a real estate deal to help steal a problem-plagued cemetery in Boca Raton from the widows. Further, the widows’ attorney claims, Masanoff lied under oath about his misdeeds.

If he can persuade a judge to let him use a confidential memo, attorney Edward Ricci said he will seek criminal charges against Masanoff for perjury. He also will ask the Florida Bar to take action against Masanoff.

Full Article and Source:
Leader of Palm Beach County Building Effort Accused of Bilking Widows


  1. So where is the FBI with Color of Law, so where is the Federal Attorney General, and State Attorney General and the prosecutor.

    In New Jersey the attorney who started the mess for us is being considered for the Hunterdon County Prosecutors office. What is Chris Christie ethics investigations the guys partner is on the Ethics Panel for Hunterdon County.

  2. The FOX watching the hen house!

    The attorneys and guardians are not to be trusted. It is too tempting to take advanage of "easy money." There is no uninterested parties who have oversight over these money-grabbing parasites. Why not?

  3. The biggest problem I see here is that the "Sunshine State," Florida Bar is corrupt to. That's my opinion of them!
