Sunday, May 9, 2010

Let This Be Their Legacy

When things have seemed especially dim for Danny, and we’ve found ourselves angry again at the latest tactics from David Tate et al, we would periodically Google their names to see if our posts were having any effect.

See for yourself. You might be surprised. We sure hope that they are…because our entries are going to be there a long time after this is over:

David Tate Signet Inc.

Paul Housch

Judge Randy Kennedy

Free Danny Tate!!!

See Also:
Facebook: Friends for Danny Tate's Defense


  1. There needs to be justice.

    When the courts take a person's
    constitutional rights away people should be held to the highest standards and if the Judge, lawyers, doctors and others lie in Guardianship cases there should be jail time.

    The prosecutors look the other way and let there be no scales of justice.

    Hopefully with the internet the truth with speak for DANNY and for so many that are being held prisoners in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Individuals being trafficked for money. Where is the FBI?

  2. And let their Mothers see the legacy these perps have made for themselves too.

  3. The words "being held prisoner" is definitely accurate. Also I now realize that the reason the courts and guardian would not allow visitation for the first seven weeks was to have all the medication take effect. My loved one is on Seroquel, Lexapro as well as the Namanda, Aricept, Ibuprofen, Gabopentin, Thiamine and folic acid. With this cocktain of drugs, he has become very passive. There is no anger at his plight like there was at first when he called me (by stealing the phone) fightened and wanting me to pick him up immediately.
    I pray for Danny and all these hundreds of "prisoners" who are innocent of any wrong doing. It is the GREED of the Judge, Attorneys, Doctors and Guardian. Now that my loved one is all drugged up, they could care less about who visits or what is said. They know that he will not longer fight for his rights.

  4. Glad to see the truth of who these people really are comes up when I google. The truth will set us free so, speak up.. do not be silent!
