Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sara Harvey and Stewart Resmar Radio Interview

The Gary Harvey Story


  1. Stewart made a good point, where's the VA in this? And why can't they come to Gary's rescue?

  2. Great interview, Sara. You are a good advocate for your husband.

  3. Good job. Thank you for supporting Sara and Gary Harvey, Mr. Resmar.

  4. Very good interview, powerful and to the point.

    I think Stewart and the VA are going to be a a Godsend to both Gary and Sara. Stewart was was powerful in his presentation ---

    Time to forge onward and get Gary home, slap this county around a bit .... albeit, sounds like Judge Shea seems to be caught in the pickle, on one hand she did the right thing, on the other hand she is tolerating some rather dubious conducts in the administration of Gary's guardianship ---

  5. Never give up, Sara, we are praying for you and Gary.

  6. We applaud our Vets when we need them. What about when they need us?

    Gary Harvey is treated worse than a criminal.

  7. I hope your efforts to get your husband home are successful, Mrs. Harvey. You sure are trying hard.

  8. Sara is an incredible woman, a dedicated loyal wife working tirelessly to bring Gary home where he belongs. The County is dead wrong; they need to back off.

    God Bless you Sara and many thanks to Stewart Resmar for his interview helping to educate people what can happen to them.

  9. Sounds like these people have.... A Tiger By The Tail! It would be best for them, if they let Gary and Sara go.
    Sara has fought hard and is not about to give up! She has some very strong supporters.. doubt the VA or Stewart will go away either!!

    Great interview!

  10. Shame on this Catholic Hospital not standing for the Word of God! Where in our Bibles does it teach that ANY human is to determine when life should end?

  11. This is about politics who is giving how much to the church to keep silent; to turn away keep a blind eye?

    Thought: Are there OPEN RECORDS to see who is giving contributions to the Catholic organization?

    This pains me to write this but nothing absolutely nothing would surprise me. Always follow the $ sign.
