Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recomended Website: NashvilleCriminals


This site will remain in effect until the Davidson County, Nashville, Tennessee Courts begin to restore their own credibility. An informed public can force the change.

Evidence clearly demonstrating the criminal conduct of various citizens and attorneys and sanctioned by a specific judge will be posted. You decide if this criminal and unethical conduct should continue.

If you don't like what you see, join me in effecting change.


See Also:
Facebook: Justice for Danny Tate


  1. Good Idea... need many more!

  2. Seeing the billings is very enlightening.

    It's like the Mafia planning an execution; only it's not the Mafia - it's the Barfia - planning a "kill"!

  3. I am so glad to see this. The public needs to be aware of the stench coming from many courthouses!

  4. Kennedy's court is busy moving people's money.


    Just search on the Judge and conservatorships and it would be easy for the Feds to find all the victims in just one courtroom

  5. This is a great site! Let the bright light of public scrutiny shine!

  6. I bet the perps are nervous with this site. What will be posted tomorrow? Will it be about one of them? Oh, I hope they're losing sleep.

  7. Keep the fire burning, Ira!

  8. Housch should have to pay back every cent and Kennedy should be disbarred.

  9. It turns my stomach to think what the Kennedy/Housch tag team did to Danny and what they likely did to others.

    I welcome this site wholeheatedly.

  10. This website gives me great hope! I will start checking every day for updates!

  11. Great job of protecting Danny Tate,Judge Kennedy. And I bet you didn't think anybody would be there to hold you accountable? WRONG!

  12. Boy that Housch sure gives lawyering a bad name, doesn't he?

    I bet his Momma doesn't know he makes his living off the backs of the helpless.

  13. I was at one of the hearings and Kennedy's condescending manner and the way he treated Danny sent a chill up my spine.

  14. The evidence against Judge Kennedy, Paul T.Housch, and David E. Tate is clear and convincing!

  15. And also a new Facebook page?! That's great. Danny Tate's friends will be him until the tide turns on Kennedy, Housch, and David.

  16. Let's all remember to give this website out to all our friends!

    Spread the word. Judgment day is on the way!

  17. The Free Danny Tate movement continues to grow....watch out Nashville Criminals, your hiding days are over!

  18. And the next question ..........
    Did Danny's court appointed attorney or the other Gentleman's court appointed attorney at any time ask for ADA accommodations ........remember the court assigned both attorneys so ............ the court is liable if the attorneys did not have an order in for accommodations
    Housch states the second gentleman is Schizo. and has Post Traumatic Stress syndrome and Danny had addiction so until the courts could provide accommodations under the ADA .......... the whole thing is illegal ...........Judge Kennedy assigned the court appointed attorneys so he is responsible for the court not protecting disabled individuals.......... Drum roll ADA violations under II are in order pronto .........If they would get real opinions from real doctors who specialized in the areas of disability for each no conservatorship temporary or permanent would of ever been allowed ........tick tock tick tock the Probate Alarm is ringing.

    Judge Kennedy pack up your robe you should be sent out to pasture ....... a nice padded cell
    and Mr. Housch get out your checkbook and start returning the money ........ you will not need it when you are wearing a nice orange jumpsuit.

  19. After 2 1/2 years of temporary conservatorship and all that attorney billing, billing and billing and the mountain of expenses - the numbers aren't in yet, isn't Judge Kennedy showing his consideration and deep concern for the future of Danny's daughters?

    Kind hearted Kennedy is setting aside the grand total of: $10,938.00 for Danny's 2 young daughters, leaving each daughter with: $5,469.00.

    Wow, imagine that....Danny had a fortune with earning power for a very good lifestyle for himself and his daughters.

    Now, all this is gone in the pockets of others who did not earn nor do they deserve $1.00 of Danny's hard earned money.

    My question is who benefited from this 2 1/2 year temporary conservatorship case?

    His daughters?

    Paul Housch?
    Team Probate?
    David Tate?

    Dr Kenner?

    Judge Kennedy?

    You be the judge - you deliberate to your verdict 1) who benefited? 2) who was harmed?

  20. Take note, Team Probate, your thieving days will come to an abrupt halt.

  21. do you think these thieving creeps will regret that they ever heard of danny tate? do you think they targeted the wrong person a person who survived the mugging? do you think they ever thought all they did would be exposed and people would care and they would be demanding old time justice? do we wish sweet dreams for housch, david tate, team probate and judge randy kennedy? psssst do we clue them in that there will be a time when they will be having night sweats and night terrors and no where to hide?
