Friday, August 20, 2010

Danny Tate Conservatorship, Part Three

A conservatorship (guardianship) can strip a person of their individual liberty and property rights. While Nashville musician Danny Tate admits his struggle with alcohol and drug issues may at a point have merited assistance, never would he - or most anyone else - have dreamed that such "help" would manifest as the near depletion of his $1.5 million estate and a continued assault on any future prosperity. These, however, are the circumstances directly resulting from a 32-month "temporary" conservatorship petition initiated in October 2007 by his brother David Tate, facilitated by attorney Paul T. Housch and sanctioned by Davidson County Circuit Court Judge Randy Kennedy. For this reason, supporters and friends of Danny Tate along with a growing host of interested parties will be watching an Aug. 20 court hearing in which Tate will ask the court to set aside prior orders that will further diminish Tate's financial position on the basis of "Petitioner David E. Tate's fraud on the court and misconduct throughout this proceeding."

An act of God brought the early May flooding that took lives and destroyed the property of many in Nashville. Danny Tate lost his home and remaining possessions in the flood. Hard as that is, his real challenge is overcoming the acts of three men - David Tate, Paul T. Housch and Judge Randy Kennedy - who under the guise of working "in the best interest of a disabled person" appear to have destroyed the fruits of Danny Tate's past efforts and thwarted his current ability to provide for himself in the manner which well-served him for years. And as legal expenses create mounting debt, the man who once had a solid financial status now has far more limited prospects for future prosperity.

An act of God casts light on the hardships of life, but that's something with which we all have to deal. The acts of this probate court cast a frightening light on the fragility of freedom and property rights across America, and as this case shows, especially in Nashville, Tennessee. Beware.

Full Article and Source:
Musician Danny Tate's Conservatorship: A Case of Caring or Corruption? (part three)


  1. I am praying for you to have a good day in court today, Danny.

  2. Good series. It's a terrible thing they've done and I hope they will all be held accountable.
