Friday, August 20, 2010

Lynn EnEarl Resigns!

Less than a week after her husband resigned as East Fork Justice of the Peace, Douglas County Public Administrator Lynn EnEarl has resigned effective Dec. 1.

EnEarl, 59, denied her resignation had to do with the recent controversy over her public guardianship.

“No, this is all about family,” she said. “Our daughters and grandchildren live here. It's almost like a job. It takes time to take care of family.”

“Since my husband's retirement, I've been seriously thinking about what is important in life,” she said. “My mother-in-law has Alzheimer's and her health is deteriorating. It's difficult for my husband to take care of her on his own.”

EnEarl said there are some probate cases she needs to complete.

Under Nevada law, EnEarl is required to report on each of her charges' personal and financial welfare to the district court. Senior advocates reviewing the case files said the reports were not completed. EnEarl's attorney, Michael Rowe, said that in some cases the court waived the annual reports, though advocates were unable to find written waivers.

A score of EnEarl's guardian cases are passing through the district courts now to bring those reports up to date. In two cases, wards were placed in more restrictive care facilities than required by their condition.

During one hearing, EnEarl said she didn't meet with her wards because she's not a confrontational person. She was ordered by District Judge Dave Gamble to meet with her charges on a monthly basis.

In some of the cases, the wards said they'd never met EnEarl until they were in court.

Full Article and Source:
EnEarl Resigns as Public Administrator

See Also:
Judge Sets New Tone for Guardianships


  1. Spend more time with her family? Guess her family is more important than her wards' families were???

  2. Keep the investigation going!

  3. "EnEarl said she didn't meet with her wards because she's not a confrontational person." I agree that she's non confrontational... that's why she resigned!! She's been found out and hoping to run and hide. Prosecute her!!!
    Maybe her deteriorating mother-in-law needs a guardian for protection from her own family??

  4. Hope this will be a lesson to the other "protectors."

  5. Lynn Enearl, Michael Rowe, Esq and honorabble Judge Gibbions should be investigated for intestate probate cases that have they have been mishandled over the past 10 years! Ms Enearle does not file inventory list in any of these cases either. I have also heard her say... "There's nothing but junk" in the deceased homes. This needs to be investigated.

  6. I agree with Anonymous, prosecute her!

    Compliments extended to the advocates who led to the investigation of EnEarl and now her resignation.

  7. "Douglas District Judge Michael Gibbons said he didn't understand why Public Administrator Lynn EnEarl and her attorney failed to file reports and an inventory required by law" During my fathers probate case 3 years ago, Judge Gibbons said the same thing to Lynn Enearl. The crimminality is not just in the ward cases Ms Enearl has handled but in the (intestate) probate cases as well. The Minden/Gardnerville court house probate cases all need to be investigated by the State and Federal Government as far back as 20 years. Something needs to be done about this, laws need to be made to govern the theft and crimminality that goes on in the probate courts. Everyones makin' money except for the victims who are losing their lives.

  8. I am currently going through a divorce from the Enearls daughter. This has been enforced by her father and mother and they told her that if she continued to stay married to me that they were going to evict her from her house that she lives in renting off of them. Just to let the public know that is the type of people they are they are greedy evil conniving manipulative people that paint their faces on everyday and go to church twice a week just a cover-up there unacceptable ways in society. As soon as the divorce is finalized I'm going to make it public on what these people have done to their daughter's marriage. My three-year-old daughter comes to me every weekend and tells me that her nana and papa are going to take her from me her own father. Tell me how Despicable and disgusting that is. Anyways thanks for letting me vent.
