Thursday, January 26, 2012

Judge Ignores College Park Woman's Final Wishes

When Barbara Carey moved back to College Park to care for her 88-year-old mother last March, she was well aware that Helen Carey did not want to spend her final days in a nursing home.

Court records confirm that in 2006, Helen Carey had signed a living will and durable powers of attorney specifying that she remain in her home -- under her daughter's care -- until her death, with a family trust covering any necessary nursing or housekeeping expenses.

After examining Helen Carey on May 18, 2011, Dr. Peter Rabins, professor of psychiatry and behavior sciences at Johns Hopkins, stated in a report to the Prince George's County Circuit Court that she was "an alert elderly woman ... with no evidence of depression. She can remain in her home if the resources are available."

Less than a week later, however, Judge Sherrie Krauser ignored her own medical expert and ordered Helen Carey transferred from the Lanham hospital where she had gone for observation after suffering chest pains to an Adelphi nursing home.

Attorney Jeanne Aelion, a temporary guardian appointed by Krauser, allowed her daughter only a one-hour supervised visit per week.

In a July 1, 2011, email, Helen Carey's court-appointed attorney, W. David Allen, told Barbara Carey: "I am informed that after consulting with Dr. Peter Rabins, Helen Carey is being given Zoloft, an antidepressant. I believe this is prescribed to address her apathy." Another email, dated Aug. 1, stated that Dr. Rabins "agreed with the use of Zoloft."

But Barbara Carey, a physical therapist in Fairfax, knew that Zoloft (sertraline) was contraindicated for the treatment of depression in Alzheimer's patients because Dr. Rabins himself had co-authored several articles making this very point.

She also knew her mother did not tolerate Zoloft, and that her thyroid problem mimicked symptoms of depression. On Aug. 31, she asked the court to order a second medical opinion. Her petition was denied.

Barbara Carey told The Washington Examiner that after being prevented from seeing her mother at all for two weeks, she was shocked at her condition on Sept. 15. "She was clearly still on medication. Her heart was racing. She could hardly walk."

According to court documents obtained by The Washington Examiner, a tense standoff between the daughter and the guardian occurred that day: "My mother is in medical distress. Her pulse was over 200. The guardian was right there. I told her, 'She is in tachycardia. She needs medical help.' "

Five days later, while Barbara Carey was still desperately trying to get the governor's office and the Maryland Department of Aging to intervene, Helen Carey died of cardiac arrest.

Despite Allen's emails and Barbara Carey's own observations, a subsequent investigation by the department found no record that Helen Carey had ever been taking any psychotropic drugs. Both Dr. Rabins and attorney Allen refused to comment when asked to explain this apparent discrepancy.

"If the investigation is correct," Barbara Carey told The Washington Examiner, "it indicates either an error or altered records." Medication errors should be of interest to state regulators, and altering medical records is a crime, but the state of Maryland apparently isn't interested either way.

Full Article and Source:
Judge Ignores College Park Woman's Final Wishes


  1. Altered records are a way of life. Everybody knows it and yet facility records are accepted by courts as the gospel.

  2. Thank you to Barbara Hollingsworth and the Washington Examiner.

  3. This is a story of torture!

  4. Why did Judge Sherrie Krauser ignore Helen Carey's living will and durable powers of attorney specified wishes, she remain in her home under her daughter's care until her death with a family trust taking care of all expenses.

    The judge had no reason to believe Helen Carey's documents were fraudulent.

    Why did Judge Sherrie Krauser ignore her own medical expert and order Helen Carey transferred to the Adelphi nursing home when Dr. Peter Rabins stated in his report, Helen Carey should remain in her home? The Judge is Not the doctor !

    Why did the judge appoint attorney Jeanne Aelion, temporary guardian when clearly the living will and DPOA stated, Mrs. Carey's daughter would care for her Mother ???????????????

    WHY, would attorney Jeanne Aelion, the temporary guardian allow Helen Carey's daughter to Only visit her Mother One hour per week AND, the visit had to be supervised ? Not one mention of Barbara Carey causing problems, not even a restraining order was in place to stop Barbara from visiting with her Mother.

    We all know we need our family when we're alone and hurting...without a doubt Helen Carey needed her daughter and it was very harmful to withhold visitations from Helen Carey to visit with her daughter but instead, the court appoints some stranger who becomes Helen Carey's jailer.

    Seems all the Elder Abuse stories follow the same pattern, once probate takes control, the Elder is excluded from all their rights, is discriminated against and becomes a prisoner of the State who has less rights than a murderer on death row.

    Once probate takes over they run the show even the nursing home. Its apparent the doctor and nursing homes make sure it's made to look like the Ward has to stay in a nursing home, none of us should be surprised when psychotropic drugs are used to make sure the job gets done even if the Elder dies. You can bet medical records are tampered with to cover up the crimes.


    Maryland You SHOULD be very concerned about what happened to Helen Carey, instead of ignoring these crimes, begin an immediate investigation of all the drug handlers being used on the elder victims in these nursing homes across the country,

    You can BELIEVE without a doubt, this same crime will attack one of your love ones, even YOU ! No one is safe !

    Nuring homes have a lot of turn over, most nursing home employees are under paid, and can't stomach to watch the abuse our elderly victims suffer at the hands of the predators and won't stay long.

    State Officials may want to interview past employees may be surprised what you find out, even contact families that have taken their love ones out of the nursing homes, believe me, you'll find out what has been going on..

    Judge Sherrie Krauser should be investigated and REMOVED from the bench.

    Every state should begin investigating the drugs being used in all the nursing homes, may find out more premature deaths have been caused by these psychotic drugs.

    Without a doubt they're being used as Handlers to stop the elder from complaining, crying, needing help or even wanting to talk to officials, ...

    Think this isn't happening? guess again !

  5. In our case, the records of our loved ones last days are false.

    According to the records, our loved one died peacefully during sleep.

    When the truth is, our loved one was denied water and food when our loved one was pleading for water.

    Our beloved family member, another ward of the state, died a horrible death. Death from dehyradtion is painful and prolonged.

    You be the judge.

  6. This is a heart breaking story where a daughter fought for her mother's life and not one person in Maryland will stand up against this Horrific Violence and Injustice against our elderly.

    Barbara, there are no words I can say to ease your pain, I am very sorry for your loss.

    Peace Be with You, and may GOD give you courage and comfort you.

  7. Not giving the importance to the report of hired Professor is ridiculous. I believe its better to have nursing facility at home rather than the hospital.
