Thursday, January 26, 2012

Third-Party Guardian Appointed in Chism Case

YouTube: We Won, Channel 7

See Also:
Family Members Battle Over Sick Man's Care


  1. Congratulations, Chisms. But just so you know, there's no such thing as an Independent guardian.

  2. Very Happy the Chisms can ALL see their Father....

    It is imperative for the guardian to "Never" allow the Chismas Father to be isolated from His Children or any family member, and friends he wishes to visit and associate with and even live in a least restrictive environment if possible, with family able and willing to care for him.

    If doctors are in agreement to a least restrictive environment the guardian could file a motion to terminate the guardianship and Mr. Chism's American Rights will be forever restored.

    For now one step at a time.

    Couldn't be happier for you.

  3. Victory for Round One. Prayers for Dr. Chism's well being and for his family to be together the way it should be. I imagine most people don't plan on this; they cannot imagine being declared a ward of the state in their 'golden years'.

  4. I am glad for the win of Mr. Chism's life and that the pressure has let up. The Chism family cannot rest on their laurals tho. The guardian may be cooperative or as soon as the publicity lets up (which happens pretty quickly) things may change back.

  5. The Chism kids' speak about plans to have the guardianship modified and a child appointed, instead of the professional guardian. Unfortunately, their lawyer missed the deadline to reconsider the decision & they're in for the long haul at the sneaky court.

  6. By now, things have worked out poorly under Dr. Chism's new Guardian, Attorney William J. Monaghan. The children were informed of their options early on but chose to trust the advice of an attorney with little knowledge of this court, instead. As expected, William Monaghan quickly assumed control over "All the Assets" of James Chism's estate as Full Conservator. With five children opposing court decisions, this might have been easily prevented.
