Friday, November 2, 2012

ABC News: I-Team Investigates Santa Clara County Public Guardian

Source: I-Team Investigates Santa Clara County Public Guardian


  1. The question now is: will the Santa Clara County Public Guardian be held accountable for this illegal action? Charges need to be pressed by the company who did the mortagage not knowing fraud was involved.

  2. Yes! Someone is guilty, they should pay the price! That is the only way this kind of corruption will be stopped! Put it on the front page for all to see that this will not be tolerated!

  3. Thank you for covering the stories concerning the public guardian. I am (glad) you are seeing and experiencing for yourself what many of us, especially those in NASGA walk through or have walked through on a daily basis. There seems to be no oversight, accountability or consequence for those "in charge" of our loved ones. Even if Ms. Jordan is released, the damage that has been done to her family, her assets, and her way of life cannot be taken back, and most likely there will be no consequence for those who conserved her for what they have done.

    The system, specifically the probate court system appears broken. I would submit to you that this is the way they like it. What you are seeing is a drop in the bucket.
    Many of us who have tried to do right by our aging parents have suffered at the hands of those pretending to act in the best interest of our loved ones when we challenged the "authority" of those controlling our loved ones. Some have gone to jail, been sued for thousand of dollars, and been treated like a criminal.

  4. Many wards are isolated this is a national pattern of operation with intent of having absolute power and control over their ward used as retaliation, punishment.

    Absolute power and control tearing families apart. Illinois is part of that pattern and for those lawyers who dare to speak out, they are punished for their good faith intentions.

    For example Niles, Illinois Attorney Ken Ditkowsky. His recent interview with Bev Cooper, Host of Coopers Corner cable program is available for viewing at:

  5. Fantastic report! Thanks ABC. I am anxious for the next in the series.

  6. The judge should remove the public guardian from this case immediately and a thorough investigation should be done of all the cases under the public guardian's purview.

    If the Santa Clara County Public Guardian did this illegal action, you can bet it goes deeper than this.

  7. I am so glad to see scrutiny on the Public Guardian. I was one of the 18 people who called Villa Fontana and asked to speak to Gisela Riordan as well as see her.

    Treating her this way is criminal in my opinion.

    I am not familiar with the case profiled here, but I wasn't surprised when the Public Guardian got caught unlawfully taking out the reverse mortgage. It certainly sounds like the Santa Clara County Public Guardian has been running with too much power and ego and nobody's been keeping track.

  8. Grateful to ABC in CaliforniaFriday, November 02, 2012 7:48:00 PM

    Keep the light shining ABC. Thank you for putting people in the hot seat where they belong. Long overdue but we're grateful to Dan Noyes and ABC for making a difference.

  9. Wow! Somebody's in hot water!!

  10. Hot water they need to swing in the wind and lose their precious pensions harsh punishment for their malicious intent.
