Thursday, November 1, 2012

Linda Kincaid Advocates for Conservatee's Right to Vote

NASGA's California Advocacy Liaison, Linda Kincaid, makes her eighth appearance in front of the Santa County County Board of Supervisors to advocate on behalf of Gisela Riordan and other conservatees under the control of the Santa Clara County Public Guardian. Source: YouTube:NASGA's Advocacy Liaison, Linda Kincaid, on Gisela Riordan & the Santa Clara County Public Guardian


  1. Job well done Linda with more coming. You are a true American, standing up for right vs wrong; giving a voice to those who have been silenced. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  2. Thank you Linda for all you do for California and for NASGA.

  3. Thank you Linda and to those who support your efforts.

  4. I just bet if we started an office pool, those who bet the public guardina will deny Gisela Riordan her right to vote would win.

  5. This is what it takes to make a difference. It takes being pro-active, get involved and speak out demanding answers from those in positions to do something about the problems. Job well done Linda but I'm getting the feeling you have only just begun.

  6. Thank you Linda, for standing up for the rights of Gisela and others who are victimized by abusive guardianships.

    My loved one is also a victim of abusive guardianship proceedings in Cook County (Chicago) IL. I truly appreciate all you are doing, and hope that any investigators who may be listening look at Gisela's case as well as cases throughout the country, including Cook County IL.

  7. Linda Kincaid, you are a real pro! Thank you for all you do for victims and for NASGA!

  8. No person should loose their right to vote -- and just because one is old or disabled, that right should be more protected. Thank you Linda for stepping up and being the voice for the men and women who, fully lost their voices. My mother voted for Mr. Obama, and did so only after campainging for Hillery Clinton. She did her homework and as she left the boting booth and surrounded by neighbors about to or having just voted, she announced. (Without saying Obama's name), "My father is probably turning in his grave, but also proud of me..." I rushed her out of the voting area, where she met up with her neighbors and friends after they voted and explained herself. A democrat her entire life, Mother always watched the debates and read the newspapers, and even once voted Republican because "He was the best person for the job". But then, a woman born into a world where 'negroes' were considered lesser people, Mother voted for Obama because she beleived he 'could do the job". My sister, who is holding my mother, Mary G. Sykes hostage under a wrongful guardianship, would probably vote for Obama again, where my sister and her husband are Republicans (if Hitler was runing under the Republican ticket, the Toerpes woudl vote for him just because he is Repbulican). My mother whose only disability is serious hearing loss, is denied her right to vote, something more precious to her than having a driving licence. So thank you Linda. Thank you Linda.
